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时间:2016-04-20 20:58:13  作者:admin  来源:东北师范大学学位网  查看:803  评论:0
内容摘要:1.In Britain, the best season of the yearis probably ______ spring.A. later B.latter C. last D. late 【参考答案】D 【答案解析】late spring 意为晚春。 2.If it...

1.In Britain, the best season of the yearis probably ______ spring.

A. later


C. last

D. late


【答案解析】late spring 意为晚春。

2.If it ______ tomorrow, the basketballmatch has to be canceled.

A. rain


C. rained

D. will rain



3.______ Pacific Ocean is??very large sea to the west of North and SouthAmerica, and to the east of Asia and Australia.

A.The; a

B.A; the

C. The; the

D. A; a



4.Neither his fellow workers nor Todhimself ______ to the solution put forward by the employer

A. agree


C. agreeing

D. to agree



5.If only I ______ hard in the past fewmonths! But I didn't work hard enough and failed the maths examination.

A. work


C. have worked

D. had worked


【答案解析】if only 表示一种虚拟,in the past few months是完成时的标志,所以用过去完成时,选D。

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